hello. my name is matt lombardi.

writing about oneself feels like such an egregious and self-aggrandizing task, but I will suffer through it.
if only for the sake of ~content creation~. I was born in new york and, after several unsuccessful endeavors to build a life for myself
in other cities, I have found myself once again hovering at the cusp of the event
horizon in the black hole known as brooklyn. throughout each of these excursions, creative expression has remained
the only outlet I have found that quells any of the perpetual inner turmoil that plagues me and——I have to assume——all of us.
as such, I often find myself making music or writing words
with no real or deeper motive behind it, but merely in a feeble attempt to make sense of the absurd world around me.
these creations I then like to offer to the world in the hopes that someone else may too find some semblance of sense or meaning in them.
most recently, these ideas have manifested themselves in the form of a book I have decided to call
soft city and as a dual-album of interrelated but diametrically opposed albums entitled
amaterasu and
tsukuyomi. I hope to
continue creating things that I enjoy, and I hope that readers / listeners may find them enjoyable as well. thank you
for taking the time to read this. please enjoy exploring the rest of my website.
contact: mattlombardi@proton.me
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